Duende's stories attract our readers' attention since 2013 (previously hosted on brunoclaessens.com) and wishes to provide a useful resource for information on art of the African continent and its diaspora. Stories include exhibition announcements and reviews, interviews with artists, discoveries, new research, auction news, etc.
We welcome contributions and feedback. So, if you wish to share an opinion about a story, provide additional insights or if you have a news story, then please get in touch.
Our mask on view this week at the PAN art Fair in Amsterdam
The artist in his studio. Image courtesy of the Noldor Residency.
Andy Warhol seated in the conference room at the Factory with vigango, VCR Television, and moose head taxidermy mounted on the wall, photographed by Robert Levin, 1981. Vigango have been celebrated and collected by artists and collectors around the world, including Warhol.
Female bust, Anonymous Pende artist. Early 20th century, D.R. Congo. Wood, 63 cm. Provenance: Private collection, Belgium
Mostaff Muchawaya, "Chiedza", 2022. Mixed media on canvas, 171 x 131 cm
Jan de Clerck at his home with an Igala statue and Ibibio mask, December 2022
"A place with no name" catalog cover. Works from the Sina Jina Collection. Christie's London.
A Shona man sleeping on his side while using a headrest. Photographed by Leo Frobenius in 1928.
Franzina Ndimande wearing a goatskin cape, called a linaga, and beaded neck hoops, isigholwani. Image courtesy of Margaret Courtney-Clark.
Portrait of the artist.
Installation view UNSETTLED.
Portrait of the artist. Image courtesy of Lumen Travo Gallery.
Portrait of the artist. Image courtesy of Margaux Huille.
Book Launch: UNÛ - Prestigious African Weapons, Brussels, February 19th
Paris Book Launch UNÛ - Wednesday, March 9th -
Sizwe Sama
Kimathi Mafafo photographed in her studio by by Michelle McCann, 2021.
Photo by Martin Vorwaerts, 2016.
Image courtesy of the MARKK.
Portrait of Herzekiah-Andrew Shanu, probably dating from his trip to Europe in 1894. Image courtesy of the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren (HP.1965.14.246).
El Anatsui – “Chambers of Memory”, 1977. Ceramics, manganese. 40 × 26 cm. Collection of the artist, Nsukka, Nigeria. © El Anatsui. Courtesy of the artist.
Image courtesy of Woolley and Wallis.
San petroglyph, South Africa. Image courtesy of the Weltmuseum (inv. no. 57585, info).
Installation view. Image courtesy of Kasmin Gallery.
Karagwe quadruped. Image courtesy of the UMMA (#1985/2.91).